Broadcast Dates:
Sunday, July 25, 2004 -- 7pm, San Francisco Comcast Cable Channel 29
Thursday, July 29, 2004 -- 10:30pm, San Francisco Comcast Cable Channel 29
Saturday, July 31, 2004 -- 7:30pm, San Francisco Comcast Cable Channel 29
Sunday, August 15, 2004 -- 8:00pm, San Francisco Comcast Cable Channel 29
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A ~280Mb mpeg file of this episode is available.
Start the download of the mpeg! Note: You must right click and select "save link target as"...the large file cannot stream quickly enough in most cases.
Episode Credits:
All songs written by Christopher Campbell (Copyright 2004)
Performed by
Chris Campbell, voice, guitar, keyboards
James Polanco, scratching, guitars
Chris Walcott, electro-drums, percussion
Interviewer: Lisa Campbell
Filming and editing: Sarah Gordon
Episode Setlist:
Dearest Mentor
Such Things
Polar Skies
Generic Guitar Song
Episode Notes:
Wow, this was the first show I shot. I learned a ton and had a blast. A big thanks to Subimage for making this such a fun experience.
Related Links: (Band's website) (Synthpop festival in Salt Lake City, Utah)
Episode Errata:
Equipment Used:
I borrowed a Sony DCR-HC20 from work to shoot this episode on MiniDV. It fits in my purse! I can't believe how small it is. The quality seems reasonable given the conditions of a loud club, though the audio did clip due to the overwhelmingly loud sound of the club environment. I'm curious to compare it to the TV studio's field camera, which has a mic attenuation switch that may help prevent the audio from being too hot. The show was edited at the AccessSF edit suite--the old-school way!