Finger On The Pulse]

Download Help

So I should start off by saying I'm not an expert on BitTorrent, but I was able to get this to work and download the mpeg successfully.

  • I used the Azureus client on Windows to do a full download. I also installed it on linux and that seemed fine, too, after some iptables magic. I had some trouble getting the NAT config correct and found these instructions on port forwarding really helpful.
  • The BitTorrent FAQ might also help you out.

    Burning VCDs

    I was able to burn a VCD from the mpeg file I downloaded. I did this under linux but I'm sure there are tools for other OSes, I just don't know them. Here is some info on how I did it:

  • I found this page useful as an overview http://www.satlug.org/~bigjnsa/vcd-linux.htm
  • I used vcdimager, which is available here: http://www.vcdimager.org/ (I grabbed an rpm for redhat 9 from this list)

    Then I did the following:

    % vcdimager xiuxiu_pulse.mpg
    % sudo cdrdao write --device 0,0,0 --speed 8 --driver generic-mmc videocd.cue
    Note that your options to cdrdao might be differnt, but the above worked like a charm for me. The resulting VCD plays in my DVD player just fine. The video quality isn't perfect, but the sound is pretty good. Rad!


    Creative Commons License
    These works are licensed under a Creative Commons License. The license permits copying and distributing freely so long as original credit is given for the work. No modifications or commercial use is allowed. Please contact me at the address below if you have questions on this. See the actual license text in the link above for more detail.


    A big thank you to the kind folks at waverunner.tv for working with me to make this possible.

    Copyright ©2004-2006, Sarah Gordon, sarahatfingeronthepulsedotorg, www.fingeronthepulse.org